"; } else { echo "";}> Jinx -- Magic Hat (S. Burlington, VT) - Malt & Barley Chronicles

Jinx -- Magic Hat (S. Burlington, VT)

Jinx crosses boundaries and is (perhaps) a little unsure of itself -- too light to be a porter, but more depth than most ales. This seasonal offering has flavors one might associate with certain whiskies -- smoke, earth, wet leaves, and an odd sweetness underneath that occasionally threatens to upset the whole deal. Definitely influenced by its place of origin ... New England autumns are generally damp and gray, which is why locals take such joy in those few crisp, bright days when the leaves appear to be on fire.

Minor gripes: 1. The aphorisms inside the bottlecaps simply aren't funny -- I guess the Magic Hat No. 9 gets all the good turns of phrase. (I'd offer thoughts on rebuses under bottlecaps, but I can't seem to confirm my recollection that Carling Black Label was one of the participants in that fad.) 2. Magic Hat's website is entirely Flash.

Characteristics: Light-to-medium weight, smoky amber/brown color, smooth drinking, occasionally cloying when served at warmer temperature (i.e. not straight out of the refrigerator).

Bottom Line: Recommended for those who enjoy Irish and Scotch whiskey (but could do without the frequent throat-clearing exercise of that first sip).

Rating: 7/10


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This page contains a single entry by SKM published on November 23, 2005 5:35 PM.

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