"; } else { echo "";}> McEwan's Scotch Ale -- Scottish Courage (Edinburgh, Scotland) - Malt & Barley Chronicles

McEwan's Scotch Ale -- Scottish Courage (Edinburgh, Scotland)

Quite simply, this beverage is the nectar of the gods. Not an everyday beer by any stretch for mere mortals like myself.

Characteristics: Dark brown color, almost like burnt motor oil.  Smooth, medium to heavy body. Flavor grows through opening bitterness to a sweet, long finish. No significant bite despite the 8% alcohol (as opposed to 4.5 or 5% in the average beer).

Minor Gripes: I recall McEwan's being thicker -- and a heavier body would make it harder to drink "too many" in one sitting. (Everything in moderation, right?)

Bottom Line: I'd forgotten how much I enjoy this beer -- it stands head and shoulders above the other scotch ales I've tried (notably Belhaven; Sam Adams doesn't count) and makes me even more psyched to be planning a trip to Scotland later this year. It even improved the Guinness I poured into the glass after I finished the last McEwan's. [*]

Rating: 9.5 / 10 (because there's no such thing as perfection).



[*] I realize this isn't an example of good hygiene, but it's OK in the privacy of one's home with one's own glassware...


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This page contains a single entry by SKM published on February 26, 2006 10:29 PM.

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