"; } else { echo "";}> Shiner Bock -- Spoetzel Brewery (Shiner, TX) - Malt & Barley Chronicles

Shiner Bock -- Spoetzel Brewery (Shiner, TX)

Shiner Bock used to be one of those special regional delicacies, talked about in enthusiastic tones by transplanted Texans bemoaning its unavailability in wherever they were then living.  And while it's still not universally available, it's now available in most of the country (the northeastern US being the major exception). 

Characteristics: Reddish-brown color, light-to-medium-weight body,  sweet and slightly malty taste -- the sweetness of a dopplebock without the body or alcohol content.

Gripes: The sweetness can get cloying as the beer breathes and warms up a little.

Bottom Line: I go back and forth on Shiner Bock ... though I'm probably most favorable towards it when I can't find anything "darker" or on a hot day when I'm drinking it ice-cold and quickly.

Rating: 5 / 10 (with up to a full point bonus depending on setting)



Bryan said:

Ah, yes, not in the Northeastern part of the U.S. :( I always look forward to trips, esp. to Texas, where I know that I can find Shiner on tap!

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This page contains a single entry by SKM published on February 19, 2006 9:35 PM.

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