"; } else { echo "";}> Hitachino Nest Sweet Stout -- Kiuchi (Kounosu, Japan) - Malt & Barley Chronicles

Hitachino Nest Sweet Stout -- Kiuchi (Kounosu, Japan)


I saw this at a local Japanese restaurant and had to sample. Don't be put off by the name -- this is not a "sweet" beer in the sense of the Lindeman's lambics or Leinie's Berry Weiss.  The owl label is a total bonus.

Characteristics: Dark, deep brown, almost no head and very slight carbonation, light-to-medium body, slightly bitter and fruity finish (apple?) with hints of curdled milk. 

Minor Gripes: Rare as hell and therefore VERY expensive in the states. Could use either more body or more carbonation (though not both).

Bottom Line: For a light stout, this is a solid beer.  Stands up well to (and plays nicely with) wasabi and soy.  It's light enough for summer nights.  Perhaps for that reason I'd hestitate to call this a stout in the grand sense (even if the beer labels itself as a "lacto" or milk stout). It's really somewhere between porter and brown ale.

Rating: 5.75 / 10



kristi said:

ive been trying to find a real good tasting beer for a while and i think i would really like this but i dont know where to buy it, i live in alabama and ive tryed looking it up but still have no idea where to purchase it...thanks, kristi :)

SKM said:

I'm not a great source on where to find beers, since distribution tends to be regional (and distributors can't afford to take too many chances on new or unusual beverages). I first saw Hitachino at a really nice sushi bar in DC and had not previously heard of it. Sorry...

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This page contains a single entry by SKM published on August 12, 2006 11:42 AM.

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